Why You Ought to Avoid Flushing Animal Waste Down the Toilet

Why You Ought to Avoid Flushing Animal Waste Down the Toilet

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4 Reasons Why Dog Poop Cleanup is Important
When it comes to throwing away waste, especially animal waste, many people often consider the convenient choice of flushing it down the bathroom. However, this seemingly very easy service can have severe consequences for the setting and public health. In this write-up, we'll discover why flushing animal waste down the commode is a bad concept and offer alternative approaches for correct disposal.


Appropriate waste disposal is vital for keeping ecological sustainability and public health. While it might appear harmless to flush animal waste down the bathroom, it can cause various concerns, both for the atmosphere and human health.

Dangers of flushing pet waste

Ecological effect

Flushing pet waste introduces dangerous bacteria and virus into rivers, which can adversely affect marine ecological communities. These virus can contaminate water sources and injury marine life, interfering with delicate environments.

Public health concerns

Pet waste consists of hazardous bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella, which can present severe health and wellness risks to humans. Flushing pet waste down the commode can contaminate water supplies, causing the spread of conditions and infections.

Alternatives to flushing

As opposed to flushing animal waste down the toilet, there are numerous alternative disposal methods that are extra environmentally friendly and hygienic.


Composting animal waste is a green method to deal with it. By composting, organic matter is broken down into nutrient-rich dirt, which can be used to feed yards and plants.

Land fill disposal

Getting rid of pet waste in a landfill is another alternative. While not as environmentally friendly as composting, it is a safer choice to flushing, as it stops the contamination of water resources.

Pet garbage disposal systems

There are customized animal garbage disposal systems available that securely and hygienically throw away pet waste. These systems frequently make use of enzymes to break down waste and remove odors.

Actions to appropriate animal garbage disposal

To make certain appropriate disposal of animal waste, comply with these steps:

Scooping and landing waste

On a regular basis scoop and bag pet waste utilizing biodegradable bags. This stops waste from infecting the environment.

Making use of designated waste bins

Dispose of bagged animal waste in designated waste containers, such as garden compost containers or landfill containers. Prevent flushing it down the bathroom whatsoever costs.

Cleaning litter boxes and pet locations on a regular basis
Regularly tidy can and pet dog areas to stop the build-up of waste and germs. Usage pet-safe cleaning items to maintain hygiene.

Benefits of proper disposal methods

Adopting appropriate disposal methods for animal waste offers numerous advantages:

Decreased environmental pollution

Correct disposal approaches minimize the risk of environmental pollution, protecting rivers and communities from contamination

Reduced risk of water contamination.

By preventing flushing pet waste down the toilet, the danger of water contamination is considerably minimized, protecting public health.

Enhanced sanitation and hygiene

Appropriate disposal approaches advertise far better hygiene and hygiene, developing a more secure environment for both people and pets.


To conclude, purging animal waste down the commode is harmful to the atmosphere and public health. By adopting alternative disposal approaches and adhering to appropriate waste administration practices, we can lessen the negative effect of animal waste and add to a cleaner, healthier planet.

Can You Flush Dog and Cat Poo Down the Toilet?

Cat poo often contains a highly resistant parasite called Toxoplasma that can infect people and animals. Many municipal water treatments do not have equipment or processes to kill it (as they're designed for humans who don't poop this parasite!) meaning it would pass into our waterways, posing a risk to humans and animals alike. It can even prove fatal for some wildlife.

Many studies have shown that so called biodegradable and 'flushable' products, including flushable poo bags, don't actually disintegrate as claimed. This is primarily because they're designed to biodegrade in warm water, not cold water, like that in our toilets. In fact, 'flushable' poo bags have historically caused $8 million in blockages in Australia so it's not recommended to try flushing these bags, despite what they claim! The same goes for cat litter. Our old sewage systems are only designed for the 3 P's - Pee, Poo and Paper and can easily get blocked if anything else is thrown in.

So what about dog poo (without the bags)?

Again, dog poo is considerably different to human poo. It contains twice the harmful bacteria and viruses and also contains unique parasites. One particular parasite, Toxocara, is highly resistant to high temperatures. Our water treatment facilities are not designed to deal with dog poo pathogens such as this so there's a chance that they will pass through and contaminate our waterways if flushed down the toilet. Toxocara can also infect humans, causing blindness in children and infect animals so presents a public health risk. This is why many waste water treatment plants advise against flushing any type of pet poo down the toilet, due to the extra pathogens it contains.

Dog and cat poo can also contain medicines, such as parasite treatments, which can be highly toxic to aquatic life and may threaten the stability of entire ecosystems. Medicines are much trickier to clean from sewage and will likely pass unchanged into our waterways.


There's also the question of whether flushing pet waste could really ever be a viable widespread solution. Could our old sewage systems really cope with the additional faeces of 12 million dogs and 10 million cats if everyone starting flushing their pet's poo? It's unlikely!

We contacted Wessex Water and South West Water on the matter of flushing pet poo and both gave different answers. The former advised it was safe to do so, while the latter strongly advised against it! This may be due to their different treatment processes which can vary depending on location. However both water companies agreed that you should never flush any 'flushable' products down the toilet, even if they claim to be safe to flush as in real world this just simply isn't the case and they often cause costly blockages. They emphasised that only the three P's - Poo, Paper and Pee should ever be flushed down the toilet.


In summary, never flush biodegradable or 'flushable' poo bags or cat litter down the toilet. We also feel it's safer to avoid flushing cat and dog faeces, due to it's pathogenic content, the unknown risks of parasite treatments and medicines on wildlife and the wider environment and due to the inconsistent advice. Dog poo may be disposed in a well managed compost or wormery, rather than down the toilet. If you are still really keen to flush pet poo, make sure you speak to your local water treatment plant before you do so, as they may or may not have the treatments to safely process it.

If you dispose of your pet's waste in general waste then ensure to do so in the most eco-friendly way by using recycled poo bags such as Award Winning ReSEAcled poo bags. Experts advice it's better to re-use waste that was already destined for landfill or incineration rather than using poo bags made form virgin materials because this helps reduce plastic production, reduce plastic pollution and cuts carbon emissions and energy use. ReSEAcled poo bags are also the world's first Plastic Negative poo bags, removing 5 times as much plastic from the environment than they use! Click here to learn more.


4 Reasons Why Dog Poop Cleanup is Important

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